I've so missed this the past two weekends! It is so good to be back. Honestly, I've been struggling with a particular area in my life and I have really had a fight the past couple of weeks to put on that garment of praise. Does that make sense?
I see God moving in other areas, prayers being answered and good things happening, but there is still this one area....but I'm going to choose to praise Him...anyway...
He's reminding me that this life isn't all there is, we as believers have so much to look forward to. I can't wait to see Him and worship, for eternity....
Have a great weekend!
Love the video.
I know what you mean about the garment of praise. 3 weeks ago my heart & soul was so burdened & heavy that for the first time as I stood up with the choir to sing I could only sing the words. I couldn't even lift my hands up to worship. I even sang with my head down to the floor, crying because I could not find anything in me to praise Him & I was ashamed. I kept trying to but I couldn't... I could see my parents looking at me & I kept thinking that they would just think I was a hypocrite if I seemed excited & happy on stage. I felt like I didn't have the right to be happy in church as I am in so much turmoil right now. I felt condemned not to praise & worship Him. I felt abandoned in a small way by God a few times & it led me to a blocked pathway to God in my worship. The enemy comes to destroy & take away your joy. What is your joy??? I don't know you very well but what I do know is that you receive emense joy from your praise & worship of God. In all areas but especially in singing praise & worship. Don't let the enemy steal your joy. Give the devil a bad day instead, if you are feeling difficulty praising Him don't stop.... just pretend you are singing a song of praise to that lying devil. Sing it right to that joy stealing thorn in your side. If you can't read passages for yourself, read them to the devil. Why should you have a bad day, give him one instead.
This is such a wonderful video and song thank you for sharing and for stopping by my blog.
Riveting. That's just all I can say. I was glued to that song and the screen while it played.
What a great video. A little sad in places but a great message this one has.
I so love this song too. This is one of those songs that I would love to have playing during my quiet time, during my journaling.
Just beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Your parents went to DisneyWorld, huh? Wow, they sound like lots of fun.
Joanne :O)
Love this song. Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes it is hard to Praise God when we are going through difficulties. And, like you, I'm so very grateful this is just our journey to a better place.
Steph...you are so right...about the difficulty of praising HIM when we are struggling or going through tough times but I've learned that's when I need to EVEN more than the good times so I can shake myself out of it!(If that makes sense)Otherwise, I spiral down and may even crash...listening to songs that make me cry makes it worse but there is HEALING in these words!
But with PRAISE and putting on that garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness forces me to
rise up..I don't want to pretend that whatever you are going through
does not matter...IT DOES...my week was a rollercoaster also but if I don't change to Praise inspite of it the enemy wins! I don't want that for you or me!
So, since you are back with a GREAT selection with Nicole and giving GLORY perhaps you are on the mend but if not I'm listening and I'm here for you! I know that
just posting after missing 2 shows a bit of VICTORY! Now let that light in...show me that YOU can with HIM and see HIS GLORY in whatever this struggle or situation.
Bless you for visiting me also...
especailly when you are HOLDING ON!
You have overcome much from what I read on your blog that's why you being a recipient of the award makes me rejoice greatly! May that one area begin to see the power of God moving like the rest! I would be so blessed if I could say God has answered me in all areas but one! But thanks for PRAISING Him!
Ohhh DID I EVER SAY I LOVED YOUR VIDEO...so much I'm busy adding it to my favorites! Look if Angie Smith can PRAISE Him, you can too!
“Our understanding needs to expand. God is calling us to bridge worship and warfare. When we read the Bible, we find that God instructs us to ascend into the Throne Room in heaven, be clothed in His authority and descend in war. There is a sound of heaven that enables us to recognize, embrace and advance through this process. It moves us toward victory in accomplishing God’s will on Earth.” - Chuck Pierce, Worship Warrior
You are moving toward your victory. Bless you!
Thanks for visiting me today...and leaving your lovely comments.
I love this song and video!
Praising HIM when we least feel like it, is the BEST praise of all!
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