Monday, October 26, 2009

Boundary Stones

Our pastor has been preaching through the ten commandments. He has made them come alive to me. I will never look at Exodus 20 the same way. Sunday, I was reminded just how important these commandments, or boundary stones are. God didn't place them there to be a kill joy. He placed them there to protect us.

To guard FOR us.

Boundary Stones. They seem to be a running theme in my life right now.

Last week, the girls and I were reading our daily Proverb. We were in chapter 22 and doing our usual read a couple of verses and discuss when we came to vs. 28.

"Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers."

That sparked an entire discussion on boundaries. It was interesting to hear my girl's comments. Both of them had pretty typical "church" answers until we were a little deeper into the conversation.

We started talking about consequences. That's when Chloe explained to us that "When you start stepping over the boundaries God places in your life, you're going to trip yourself ALL UP OVER THE PLACE." Said with three snaps and a whole lot of sass.

How many times I have stepped over the boundary stones God placed in my life? TOO many times I tell you. Thank you Lord for being faithful to forgive and restore the damage my bad choices made.

Sin is sin. There is no degree of it. My sin is filthy and vile and disgusting and I'm ashamed of it. BUT, God has flung it far into the crystal sea and I have been forgiven. Because I tend to be weak and vulnerable in a certain areas, I do not EVER forget that those boundary stones are vital to me.

I know what my boundaries HAVE TO BE and I keep them FAR from the edge. I know that if I am not in the Word, talking and LISTENING to God that I'm easily distracted and I will trip over those boundary stones on my way to the edge of the cliff. The cliff they are there to protect me from. Make sense? I pray it does.

Boundary stones. I pray that my girls learn that they are there to guard FOR them, and I pray they get it at an early age! :)


Rachel said...

great words, girl!!

I would love to see your girls! they sound delightful! =)

Fran said...

Oh thank you Steph. Boundaries are a good thing even for us grownups.

Love you and your girls.
So thankful for you,

Heather said...

Reading this just confirmed something God said to me today. I have been resisting it, but this is His way of saying "CAN YOU HEAR ME? STOP IT GIRL!!!" Thanks, Steph!

Shelly said...

Loved this girl.

Thank you