Sunday, September 20, 2009


Since the first of this year I have been waiting on something. I have been EAGER to get my hands on a book and even MORE eager to give it away.

Last March I shared with you an incredible experience I had. God did a mighty work in my life and He used Bruce Wilkinson to deliver a message to me. That message changed the way I look at life. You can read about it here.

Bruce's new book "You Were Born For This" is OUT!!! I'm thrilled to be able to give away a copy! I'm already praying for the person that is going to receive it,AND praying that each one of you will have the opportunity to read this book ASAP! I feel very strongly about this can you tell?!!?!

You probably recognize this author's name from "The Prayer of Jabez" or "Secrets of the Vine", or maybe "The Dream Giver". Chad and I however had our first encounter with Bruce Wilkinson in our young married Sunday School Class at Silverdale Baptist in Chatt. We did the Bible study "The Three Chairs". It was a pivotal time in our marriage and God used that study to challenge and grow us up. It was time to quit riding the spiritual wave of others and have a serious daily walk with God for ourselves.

Let me give you one quote from the end of part 1 of "You Were Born For This"

"God did not place you this earth to notice Him at work only once or twice in your whole life" Okay...maybe just one more.

"When a whole generation settles for less, the character and motives of God get called into question. His shining presence seems to fade in the world."

Enough Enough. Okay...I'm just beginning part 2 of the book, but can NOT wait any longer to share it with one of you!

To enter, first leave me a comment.

Then, go back to your blog/facebook/twitter and any other means of TELLING SOMEONE and send them here! (If they mention you in their comment I'll add your name as another if you send 3 people you'll be entered 4 times.)

I'll keep the comments open until Saturday, Sept. 26 and will announce the winner on Sunday the 27th.

Have a great week!!


Patty said...

He was at my former church in May and I listened to his sermon on this book. I was in awe of what happened with him, his son and the waitress in Africa...(I think).

He sold the books for 2.00 at my former church and sold them by the cases!

I would really love to win this book. :)

Happy Fall!

Still Learning said...

That sounds like a really wonderful book! I will have to read it whether I win or not I think.


Jo Whitehurst said...

Oooh! Love to read...esp. Christian authors! I would love to have this book! Patty sent me from Life's Adventures...she is one of my favorite Christian writers.

Melinda said...

Hey girl!

Count me in! Patty sent me over and I'd just love to win!

Love you!

connorcolesmom said...

So fun!!
I hope I win
You are so sweet to do this!
Much love

Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

Looks like a good read!

BTW Patty sent me from her Blog. :)

Celie said...

Would love to receive the book>

God's girl said...

Yeah sure girl enter me!!
Much love,

darla said...

love him! his writings alway show how big GOD is too him. i love that!

please put me in the drawing.. love you princess!

Lindsay said...

Ok! I am always up for a good read. So count me in Thanks!