Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rainy Day Treat

Today is an extra special day for two ladies....


You can purchase their first album in stores TODAY!!!! Or if like me you are severely limited at the places you can actually get to because of the water, you can go here to purchase it online. Deep breath...


Get yourself on down to the next post and entry for the Fall book giveaway.


HOLD ON FOR ONE MORE DAY..well...not really one, more like 4 or 5. This Sunday after I announce the winner of "You Were Born For This" I will be opening another giveaway.

Can you guess what for?

Not one but FIVE...yes FIVE of Chynna and Vaughan's Debut Album One Reason!!!!!!!!

In case you were wondering who or what their One Reason is, the following is from their blog.

"We want to share our hope with you. We have someone who is there for us and someone who is always with us. We want you to know about our Savior so you can have a chance to know his love and his mercy and his grace like we have.

Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your mind and with all of your soul, and love your neighbor as you would love yourself (Deuteronomy 6:5). This is the way we want to live our lives."

These girls love Jesus. (And they have a pretty cool sound too.)

OH...just so you know....Chynna and Vaughan will be very close to where I live in October. I would love for a group of us to go see them together. If you are interested or would like more info, let me know. :)



Still Learning said...

Hey lady, are you talking about First Baptist of Woodstock? I live about 30 minutes from there!! I would love to go. I just love good music, I'll have to check them out.


Fran said...

Wish I was a tiny bit closer. :(