Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not a Detour After All

I posted here that I felt like God has us on a detour. I called it a detour because the circumstances in our life right now are so off my map or plan that it feels like a detour.

Shortly after I posted, I began to get a holy nudge that I was wrong. Wrong about calling this path a detour. Here's dictionary (dot) com's definition of detour

a roundabout or circuitous way or course, especially one used temporarily when the main route is closed.

an indirect or roundabout procedure, path, etc.

Detours are the gravel side streets used when the main road is closed. They are "Plan B" when the GPS has to recalculate...

But my God does not have a Plan B for me. He doesn't need to recalculate.

This thing we are walking through is not unplanned. Even as difficult and uncomfortable as it is, God has known since before creation we would be traveling this path. He knows our heart. That my friend is enough to make this journey less traumatic.

I shared with you that my first memory verse for March was Isaiah 30:21. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it."

This is my new verse. It has been in no less than 4 different places over the last two weeks. I KNEW it was my next focus verse.

Deut. 8:3

And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that HE might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

Every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

I can hardly wait to share with you how he has sustained us. How he has directed our steps. He is so good, and....

He is enough.


Leah Adams said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new look.

The thing I love (or one of the things I love) about God is that He can turn what seems to be a detour into Plan A for our lives according to Romans 8:28.

Can't wait to hear more.

The Stokes Family said...

Love this . . . love that you are able to see everything as His plan and not an detour or afterthought. Love you guys, praying for God to continue to show up BIG!

Patty said...

Since you shared with me a little of what has been going on, I have been praying for a smooth transition and this week as I am reliving Beth's David study, this is the verse she shared, Ps. 119:19, 54.. I thought, no matter where we live, our real home is Jesus, with Him in Heaven. David was unsettled for 15 yrs before settling down on Hebron. God did a mighty work of preparing in David's unsettledness and brought him out to be king. All of that to say this, I can't wait to see this new journey with your family unfold and I will be praying for you with each new step.
Much Love,

Fran said...

Oh Steph....I admire you so. Claim all His promises and know that "He will makes your paths straight" even when they may not seem so clear. He loves you so much.

I'm praying!

Darla MILLER said...

Praying for you guys!! Your example of trusting the Lord is something we can all learn from!!

Life is short but God is sweet said...

thank you I am praying with my son for direction and we have prayed the God would close the doors he is not to go through. God is moving and doing that but your words are put so wonderfully and am going to share them with my son.