Saturday, March 5, 2011

DETOUR: Walk This Way

At the beginning of the year when God gave me my verse of the year, I thought he and I were headed in one direction.

It became very clear to us over the last few weeks that we were probably going to be taking a detour on this path God has placed us on. You see, what I thought was going to happen this year, and what is happening are two totally different things.

My memory work for the next two weeks is Isaiah 30:21. It was the verse God gave me right as we approached the detour sign this week. Here's what it says,

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "this is the way, walk in it."

You see, as hard as this detour is, I am at peace.

Peace because I know in the deepest part of my soul that this has been filtered through God's hands. Doesn't mean that it's easy, or that I like it. But as Chad and I talked through this one more time at 1:00 A.M., we believe God is sending us on this detour for a reason bigger than we can see right now.

This week we have heard that voice behind us saying, "Walk this way today."

I may never know why God is having us walk through this. To be very honest, this particular area of the path we are on seems a bit dark. At times, it is lonely. BUT. We are already seeing the treasure of being here.

My theme verse for 2011 is Isaiah 45:3. (I need to test my memory, so let's see how I do.)

I will give you the treasures of darkness, and the hoards in secret places that you will know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by name.

The presence of God has been the treasure in this. He is the prize. Everything else can be taken away...He remains. He is sufficient.

He is the treasure on this detour.

He is the voice behind us, telling us "this is the way, walk in it."

My prayer is that we represent him well.


Leah Adams said...

Those dark, lonesome paths are often where God does His greatest work. I'll be praying for you.

BTW, I'm going to be speaking at the ladies luncheon at North Metro on March 31st if you are around and want to come. You can find info on my blog about registering.

Fran said...

Sweet Steph....walking the unknown is so very hard but you know His voice and you follow. He loves you dearly and I'm already thankful for wherever y'all land.

You do represent Him well!!!!

connorcolesmom said...

So excited for you sweet Steph!!!

Anonymous said...

What an encouragement to me today! Thank you :) I've been on one of those dark, lonesome paths lately. One of those "I don't want to hear Romans 8:28 one more time!!!" kind of months. I definitely am adding these verses to my memory list for this year! Isn't it awesome how our Lord knows just to remind us where He is?