Monday, October 3, 2011

31 Days - Transforming My Quiet Time (day 3)

Welcome! I'm glad you are here. I'm on a 31 Day journey to start my day with God's word. Over the next month, I'm making a very focused effort to dive into my Bible before I dive into my Bible study. You see, I have been putting those tools (as much as I love them and as awesome as they are)ahead of God's word and it should always come first.

I realized last night that I failed to list the scripture that I read yesterday. So today, I'm starting with that!

Psalm 63
2 Samuel 23:8-39
Ezekiel 24
Luke 24

A couple of things stuck out this morning, first was Luke 24:45.

This is after the resurrection and Jesus has appeared to his disciples. Verse 45 says:

"Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.."

I found myself praying God open my mind to understand your Word. If He did it for them, I know He will do it for me.

My biggest light bulb verse or maybe I should say passage was Psalm 63. Verse 1 says "earnestly I seek you." The word earnestly is the Hebrew word Shachar meaning to seek early, or to look diligently for. Rising in immediate pursuit.

I began to notice some SOUL references and those are what stood out the most.

"my SOUL thirsts for you" (vs 1b)

"my SOUL will be satisfied" (vs 5a)

"my SOUL clings to you" (vs 8a)

This morning God showed me that the more I make this deliberate effort to seek His word, the more my soul will crave Him and His word.

God, help me to be satisfied with you, yet completely unsatisfied. I am clinging to you. You alone can satisfy.