Saturday, October 22, 2011

31 Days Transforming My Quiet Time Day??

Because I have spent the last week preparing for our mission trip, I have been quiet on the old blog. We leave after church tomorrow. The car is packed and we have done all we can do to prepare, and yet my heart is not sure it is ready.

I was thinking back to the day we committed to go and the excitement we all felt. It wasn't long after that day that God put a passage of scripture on my heart. That very passage was a huge part of this week in my 8th grade girls Bible study. Isn't it just like God to drop it right in front of me again!!?!?!

Genesis 16 tells the story of Sarah and Hagar.

Hagar had been used and mistreated by Sarah. She ran away. She left the family camp and found herself in the desert alone and pregnant. Then God, who had never taken his eyes off of her, sends an angel to give her some guidance.

There is SO much in this story, but the thing that has been on my heart for several months happens in verse 13.

Hagar identifies God as el-roi, God who sees.

God had seen her used. He was fully aware that Hagar despised Sarah and probably had a bad attitude toward her. He saw Sarah mistreat her and He knew the minute she fled into the desert to escape.

Can you imagine what she must of felt like? Sitting in the desert alone when the Angel of the Lord appears? In the next few moments she would realize that she was NOT alone. She was NOT forgotten.

All of us have had times where we feel a bit like Hagar. Used, mistreated, and maybe even forgotten. You may feel that way today. Perhaps you need to be reminded that God sees Y.O.U. He is fully aware of your heartache. You, sweet one, are not forgotten. God knows. God sees.

As we prepare to go this week, God has reminded me that we represent Him. We are to remind those children and their teachers that HE SEES them. He is VERY aware of
each detail of their life.

As we have prayed over the details of this week, I feel strongly that this will be a seed planting trip. I can not imagine sweeter seed to plant than "God sees you. God loves you."


Leah Adams said...

Bless you, my friend, as you go to do the Lord's work! Cannot wait to hear how He showed up and showed off.