Thanks Amy for hosting this! You spur me on and I love you!
I LOVE this part of my week. At the time I'm typing this, it is Wednesday afternoon. This song is one of my all time favorites. It's off Israel's South Africa CD. When I grow up, I want to play keyboards with these people....
This song encourages me, makes me dance and is usually what I clean house to.....
More than that, it reminds me that my God is not only the Author, Finisher and Perfector of my faith, He has me here, on this planet for this time. HE thought out exactly what I was to be, before time began. He did the same for you. We aren't accidents. We aren't here by mistake. No, our God has a very specific plan for each one of us. Even when we feel like a nameless, faceless person, we are not forgotten.
Turn it up and dance along if you like!
I see why it makes you dance! Very good house cleaning music. Wanna bring it over today and let me put it in the player while you and I clean my house? I thought not. Oh well, guess I will go clean with nothing but the sounds of the toilet brush swishing in the water.......dont feel sorry for me (much ;-).
Yeah baby!! That makes you wanna dance!! Very good song selection Ms. Stephanie!!
Hope y'all have had a great time with family celebrating the princess' bday! Does she still have that crown on?? Hope so!
Blessings and hugs~
Hello from one Stephanie to another!
I love your jubilant song choice! Thanks for sharing something so uplifting.
I enjoyed your princess pics and your saki comment. A few weeks ago in our childrens' church, all the kids were asked what their favorite song was. Most of the answers were the usual bible songs, but my son piped up and said, "Let's sing Five O'Clock Somewhere!" The leaders for the week cracked up laughing! Couples rotate being with the kids during that time, so that couple came and told me the story after church. The husband joked that after an hour of Kids Zone he was ready to hear that song and down a few drinks, too. I hope the family doesn't lead you to fall off the wagon! Hehe!
That song has a lot of energy in it. What a great message, too. I'm so glad that I'm not forgotten by Him. Sometimes I feel like He forgets about me, but that is just because things aren't going my way and I'm not focusing on God's will.
I liked all of the Birthday and Easter photos, too. It's looks like you are having beautiful Spring weather.
Hey Stephanie,
Guess what, we sing this song at church, and we rock out just like that band!
Thanks for sharing this, makes ya wanta dance huh???
PS Happy Belated birthday to your daughter, she's BEAUTIFUL!
I'm dancin'. I'm dancin'. I'm dancin'. Oh, sorry- were you waiting on me to leave a comment? I was busy dancin!
I've never heard that song. Love it girl! I love the fact that God never forgets me!
Thanks for sharing this song with me. I had not heard it or the artist before. It reminds me of another song, "Friend of God." Maybe I'll have to use that song for my TSMS meme next Saturday.
Have a blessed weekend!
What a terrific song! I had never heard this one before! I love how this meme gives us a chance to find such great new songs.
Thanks for sharing it! It is always good to be reminded that we are not forgotten!
oh hurray!!! I love it!!!
Awesome!!!! Praise God He knows me name!!!!!
I love those who love to praise...hoping our paths cross so we can PRAISE Him together!!!
I was a little skeptical about wanting to dance to the song, but it isn't the song as much as it is the words! Thank you for sharing.
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