Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Thousand Gifts - The Start of My List

At the top of my book wish list is Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.
(Jesus Calling is right underneath it.) I'm seeing lots blogging friends post some of their list. It's quite simple, a list of "gifts" that they are thankful for. I loved this and decided to start.

1. Salvation
2. My piano
3. Godly parents
4. Chad
5. Chloe and Emma
6. My brown leather chair and ottoman (my most favorite place to study)
7. The smell of home when you've been gone all day
8. Red shoes
9. Pink shoes
10.My in-laws patio in Florida. (I love their backyard. Palm trees and citrus trees fill their yard.)
11.Early morning time with the Lord
13.The house God has provided for us
14.Fourth Grade Choir on Sunday afternoon
15.My 8th Grade girls Wed. small group
16.Ladies Bible study
18.The word "anticipate"
19.Grande White Chocolate Mocha with an extra shot
20.A husband who winks at me from the sound board when he runs sound for me.

I had planned to stop at 10, but once I got going...

Our God is so good. What are you most thankful for this week?


Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

What's your address? I will send you a copy. Love you! Bev

Leah Adams said...

Great list! I love the part about the wink!

Life is short but God is sweet said...

I am thankful the strength I have in God. This week I need it so much

10SEFan said...

The patio in Florida is calling out. The citrus trees are in bloom and smell incredible! Come on down!