Monday, December 10, 2007

I posted last week that my Grandmother's surgery was today. Her Dr. called Friday afternoon and they have moved it to tomorrow morning at 8:00. So if God brings it to mind, please pray for her! Thanks.

I got up this morning and looked out our family room window and saw that there was a little bit of fog. It wasn't very dense, just enough to make everything look gray. Health issues seem to have settled like a fog over our family this holiday season. We praise the Lord for my other Grandmother's good report last week and are believing God for miracles in each of the other situations. Even knowing that God is in control, I feel "gray" or "foggy". Maybe it's the unknown, maybe it's because my heart is torn between Chattanooga and Maryland. (I want to physically be there for my family and I can't.) Whatever is causing this feeling, God reminded me this morning that He is there. I watched the sun burn off the fog and it's a glorious sunny day.

Even though I am not able to be physically be with my family right now, I can pray. Prayer is such a powerful thing. It's talking to the Almighty God, Creator of this universe, our Savior, and it's all I can do right now. Last week I felt so guilty that I couldn't be there. I felt like I was useless to my parents, letting them down at a time when they need the help. Then God reminded me that my attitude of "just" praying was wrong.

You see, I was taking this attitude of "well, I can't do anything else so I'll just pray." What I should have been saying was, "I'm praying and if God wants me to do anything else, He'll tell me."

If we truly grasped how powerful it is, I don't think we would take prayer so lightly. My girls and I pray off and on throughout the day. Sometimes, it is quick sentence prayers, other times, it's longer more intense prayers. (Like Emma praying for that boy she's going to marry!) Whatever the situation, I never want my children to feel as if they are "just" praying. I want them to respect the act and realize that it is conversation with God.

So this week, I count it an honor and priviledge to pray for each one of these circumstances. I don't know why God has trusted us to walk through this, but I do know that we want to use every day to point those around us to Him. Whatever happens, He gets all the glory.


Fran said...

Stephanie...our sweet Lord told me after a season of "Well, all I can do is pray" that prayer is the GREATEST thing I can do. And, don't look at it in any other position.

I've never forgotten that. When I sense that feeling creep quickly leaves.

You pray. I'll pray. We'll all pray for many things over you right now. And, we'll pray for you to be at complete peace. Let us know how things go tomorrow.

Colossians 3:15 has been a verse for me these last few weeks. I won't write it out for you. I'll make you go look it up and let God speak to you! :)

I love ya~

God's girl said...

Praying girl. This is a good word and a good post. God is there. He is awesome. Keep us posted.
Love you!

BethAnne said...

It's hard to be away from family especially when there are health issues. I will pray for your family and that you will be able to continue to minister to them even from so far away.
It is funny you wrote "I don't know why God has trusted us to walk through this, but I do know that we want to use every day to point those around us to Him. Whatever happens, He gets all the glory". I just posted about how God tells me the same things over and over again through diffrent people or circumstances --my whole post is about stealing the glory that belongs to God. So, yet again, He has reiterated His point to me (through you this time).

jennyhope said...

oh i will so be praying keep us updated!! i saw where we are both december babies. WE get cheated! ha ha mine is the 18th!

Fran said...

Praying for your grandmother this morning. And, you too! :)

Unknown said...

I'm praying for you and your family.

I pray that His presence will overshadow you, and give you the peace that you need every hour of the day.