Saturday, April 7, 2007

GO VOLS!!!!!


Isn't this the coolest little thing you've ever seen!! This was Emma's birthday present from Aunt Val. She lives near Knoxville (The Holy Land to Tennessee fans) and has access to such wonderful things. We have been overcome by the amount of black and red in this part of the country, so a little orange is just wonderful. We are contemplating orange and white rocking chairs for our front porch, we'll see.

My Mother-in-Law "A" will just love this and I'll probably have to hide it when they come for a visit!! Just kidding, but I am sending my sister on a mission to get another one for her. She has to have one. (Chad has two great sets of parents and I refer to them as A -Daddy and Susie and B-Mom and Hubert just wanted to clear that up before I get e-mails wondering what in the world that means.)

It's the night before Easter and we have everyone's clothes ready for Sunday morning. Only one child will get to wear her new outfit, the other one would freeze since it's supposed to be 29 degrees in the am!! Can you believe this. BUT, it was a great teaching moment to remind ourselves what Easter is about. Of course, I was all prepared for wailing and gnashing of teeth, but she said okay, I don't want to be cold!!! So cool. I think sometimes they get so much more than we give them credit for.

We'll be traveling up to Gainesville for me to play in the morning worship at a small church there. It will be so strange to not hunt Easter eggs at Mom's this year. I've done that every year of my life. But, I have to say I agree with Chad, the making of new traditions can be as fun as we make it. So we intend to make some pretty awesome memories this weekend. Of course, the outdoor memories will have to wait, I guess we'll hunt eggs inside!!

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