Go check out Amy for more on Then Sings My Soul.
It's Saturday!!!! We are heading to Chattanooga to celebrate my dad's birthday a little later this afternoon. A quick trip, but it will be good to see everyone. (Plus I get to look at some fabric for piece of furniture for my bedroom!!!)
With the music give-away going on. (See the Richie McDonald post if you haven't already.) I thought I would share one song off of the CD. It's entitled "Hey God".
This chorus is incredible. "You have your ways, you have your plan..sometimes mysterious and hard to understand.... I am humbled by your grace and everything you do....." There is meat in this song.
It's a live performance, although performance isn't the right word...you'll see what I mean.
Bet you want to leave a comment on my give-away post don't you?!
Wow - that's a powerful song. Moving.
Oh yeah, that was a good one.
Crying ... tears ... can't see keyboard .... must go now ...
Thanks for the visit to my blog. I watched this and it is great... you were right... I marched on down and left a comment below, too, for a chance to win that CD. Thanks for sharing that.
Wow, I didn't know he had this CD out. My husband will probably love it. THanks for sharing.
Where are do you live? If you want to say.....I live about 30 minutes away from Chattanooga.
Anywhoo..........love the song! Thanks for sharing!
Hey God..I just want to thank You and thank you Stephanie...through my tears and a thankful heart, I can say Richie surely knows how to sing a true testimony...The chorus indeed has aMazing Truths...but I have a question, with the way he plays his piano..why would he need a backup keyboard? though with a blessing I leave...GO FOR IT girl!
May your birthday celebration of your dad be special and wonderful...Happy Birthday Steph's daddy? And Heavenly Father keep blessing Steph and him & all her family...safe trip & fabric hunting
Awesome song....I almost shed a tear....I had 2 children...thought I was finished...and now there is number 3....LOVED IT!
FABULOUS SONG!! I love it!!!!
What a great song! There is power in his voice and that song. Thanks for sharing!
I love it! I'll be looking for that giveaway!
Oh yah - they are sometimes hard to understand. This is a good reminder that I'm not alone. All of us Christians struggle with being patient with His ways and plans.
Beautiful song.
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. I did not know his story. I did not know he was part of Lonestar, what a great video. Oh I am so glad you showed us this.
love the new header!! hey was wondering if you would email me..i have something I want to send you and you guessed...I cant find the address...love you Princess!!
POWERFUL!! What an awesome conversation to have with God!
VERY VERY COOL...thanks for showing it to us!
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