It's Saturday, and that means in my down time, I get to share some pretty amazing music with some really awesome sisters!! Go check out Amy for more on Then Sings My Soul.
As I've been studying the power of God this week, I came across the following video on another blog. It is a testimony to what God's power can do in our life IF we will let Him. Get your tissue ready....
God's love and life changing power is not reserved for those who seem to have it all together or look a certain way. It is for anyone who chooses to accept it! Today would be the perfect time to let Him show you what a difference He can make.
So...what would your sign say?
Everything changes when Jesus passes by and we have the faith to grab on to the hem of His garment!!!
Hey Stephanie,
I saw this AWESOME video this week and just cried my eyes out. I'm so glad you posted this.
Oh how might is out testimony in Christ...
Have a blessed weekend♥
I have seen this before, but can't see it too many times. I love it. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I would love to go to Bermuda someday. It does look beautiful.
This is such a powerful video.
Thanks for sharing!
Stephanie, thank you for dropping by...your comment made me quite emotional...I only just found out my friend is moving oceans away..and it hurts so much...she is an incredible woman...anyway...blessing to you..
love, Sita
I'm so glad that it's never too late to change and grow. This year God has taught me about the importance of forgiveness. My cardboard testimony would be :
Dangerously Bitter - Forgiving of Others
This is the song du jour! Never seen it before today, and it's the popular one! Great message!
This truly is a powerful video!!!
Thanks for stopping by today...I'm glad I'e found your blog.
Have a BLESSED weekend.
Stephanie- This is fantastic! I have never seen it before and just sat here crying....God's power truly leaves me awestruck...and this just shows it so perfectly.
I'm asking HIM to burn these images in my heart and mind so I can remember and always think about my sign.
Thanks for the post!
Thanks for the tissue warning! I sobbed through the whole thing!
I could have so many cardboard testimonies!
WAS - constantly filling the void with destructive behavior, searching for peace
NOW - made whole and walking hand in hand with the Prince of Peace
What a powerful video!
I saw this on another blog earlier this week. Tears just started coming as I thought about what a mighty, awesome, all powerful God we have the privilege of knowing and calling Father. All the hurts and mistakes in our lives are forgiven and erased the very instance we ask for it.
Oh my goodness Stephanie...that was just so unbelievably powerful. I'm going to pass this along to my pastor. Amazing!!!
Thank you for sharing. I pray you have a blessed day and a day full of love and Him!!!
So powerful! "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the power of their testimonies."
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