My in-laws "a" (Chad's Dad and Step-MOM) have invited our family of 4 along with Chad's sister's family of 6 to come down for the long weekend. That means 6 grand kids broken down like this:
Chloe -9
Emma - 6
P. - 2
You guessed it. My girls are in the middle of two sets of twins. The oldest are identical girls. The youngest are a boy-girl combo! My sweet little nephew doesn't have a chance!
The in-laws just had a new pool installed this summer and all these grandkids are planning on breaking it in for them. Poor Zuzu won't know what hit it after we all leave. :)
We are looking forward to a weekend of swimming, visiting St. Augustine and eating at Ostines. Hanging out by the pool..... and most importantly: Friday I will be spending the entire day AT THE BEACH!!!!! (I'm asking God to send me a few new shells to add to my collection! He did that for my mentor one time and gave her some AWESOME shells. So I'm asking Him to give me a few this trip!)
I'll be back the first of the week to post pictures and relive the weekend!
Praying you have a relaxing, weekend!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Florida Here We Come!!!!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/30/2007 09:00:00 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Yesterday morning was heavenly to me. For years I HATED getting up early. Just ask my parents. (The only reason I got up early in high school was to get a shower before my younger sister. If I didn't, she got ALL the hot water.) Now, I like to be up before everyone else. It's quiet and gives me a chance to get things going before everyone else is up and going.
So back to yesterday. I woke up around 5:00 grabbed a quick shower, let the dog out and fixed myself a cup of coffee. I grabbed my Bible and journal and headed to the bar to read for a little while.
I found myself in Psalm 92. The whole Psalm spoke to me, but the verse that stuck out yesterday was verse 4:
You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done!
"All that thrills my soul is Jesus, He is more than life to me..." Remember that old hymn? I remember a time in my 20's when I would look at all our couple friends and be jealous of the things they were purchasing. (Huge houses, new cars, boats, clothes....) We were on the other hand, trying to pay off medical debt. It used to really make me mad that I couldn't "shop" the way they could. I was really bothered by it. Then one by one, those couples who were most extravagant in their shopping habits, began to have marriage problems. Some very serious issues, while others found themselves in debt up to their ears.
Those other wives who I cared for were hurting. One found herself dealing with unfaithfulness and was faced with being a single mom to 4 little ones. (God did and is still restoring that marriage!) One I will never forget called to talk about how her husband had put a dollar limit on her spending. She could only spend $200 a month on clothes for her and the kids and/or home furnishings. I about laughed out loud, but God helped me hold that in. She went on to confess that she had ran up 5 or 6 credit cards over the summer and he was trying to get those paid off. She wanted my advice. How did I clothe my girls so well and be CONTENT on a budget.
Well, first of all my parents were/are very generous. They bought most all of my girls Sunday clothes during that time. Not to mention helping out occasionaly with those medical bills. Of course, I was too proud to admit to these friends that the reason I didn't do Thursday shopping day with them was because I couldn't afford it! Not because I was content with where God had me!
CONTENT!! I could not believe she said that. I was far from that. During that time, God was teaching me that He was to be my everything. I had to learn the hard way that the most beautiful wardrobe and a designer decorated home wasn't the most important thing. This particular friend helped me see my pride and envy the way God saw it. Ugly, nasty, sin. I was broken.
I knew all this in my head, but in a way I had blinders on when it came to my heart. I admitted to God there was a huge empty space in my heart. My friends had a huge empty space too. They filled theirs up at the BMW dealership, Gymboree, Pier One, and Ralph Lauren. I filled mine up with bitterness, envy, and pride. Then I wrapped it up and tried to look my best so that no one ever saw what was really going on in my heart.
Human envy had worked it's way deep into my heart. God had to pull it out by the root! It was buried quite deep and it took some time. It hurt. Once God cleaned it out there was quite a bit of space there. I remember asking Him to fill up that cavernous space with as much of HIM as I could hold! And He is. He thrills me over and over again.
Not too long after this, I began to write. These songs lyrics came during the spring of 2003 I think. This was probably one of the first 5, so not my best! :) There's that pride thing again, dad gum it! I hope they encourage you.
I see people every day as they hustle and they bustle on their way,
Bound by anything and everything, but you.
Reminds where I used to be, when you found me,
Set me free, unbound me.
The prize is you, the prize is you.
Not the things you bring me through, but the prize is you.
So I live each day to see your face
And feel the warmth of your embrace.
The only thing I need, is you.
The prize is you.
Seeking you first, longing for you,
Waiting to see how you will move,
Walking by faith Lord the prize is you.
Not houses or money or power or fame,
But only the one who would die in my place
I give you my idols, take them away
Just give me you.
I pray that you are in a place today where you can say "You thrill me Lord with all You have done for me!"
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/29/2007 02:56:00 PM 7 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Deeper Still- Nashville
Several months ago I saw this conference on the LPM event schedule. I immediately wanted to go the one in Nashville. I saw that it was scheduled for September and thought it might work out. God has had other plans with our finances and life this summer and attending this conference isn't part of it. That's okay! Let me tell you what HE did instead.
First you need a little background information. About a year and half ago when we were getting ready to move, one of the songs that got me through was the song "In Christ Alone". There's just something about it. It speaks to my soul every time I hear it. This was one of the songs we did our last night at our church in Chattanooga. I was honored to play it for our Worship Pastor, he was singing the solo. I still get chills thinking about that night. Anyway..... the lyrics to that song are powerful.
So I find out that my mother-in-law and her sisters are going to this conference and I'm a little envious. Okay, a lot envious. I wanted to go so bad! It's been a couple of years since I've been to a conference and not been involved in the planning and/or worship. I so longed to go and soak in the word and worship with other women who were there to go "Deeper Still".
The first of August when we "kicked" off our new choir year, I flipped over our weekly newsletter to see that on September 8, (the same Saturday as the Deeper Still event) we are having a Christmas rehearsal. I thought "well good, this will take my mind off of the event going on in Nashville." Then I went on to read that we were also having lunch and special guests.
Those special guests just happen to be the couple who wrote "In Christ Alone". Can you believe that? That is what God did for me! He's giving me an opportunity to sit and listen to two songwriters I greatly admire and respect! I'm so very excited and can't wait to hear what they have to say to us.
For me, this is the next best thing to Kay, Priscella and BETH! Go here to check out the Deeper Still Blog!
Once again, He's in the details I tell you!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/27/2007 01:53:00 PM 4 comments
Breakfast in Bed
This is how Chad and Emma started their weekend.
Sometimes it's just fun to do something nice for someone else. They were watching SportsCenter while Chloe and her friend talked High School Musical!
It was a lazy weekend and you know what? It was wonderful! We had an awesome time of worship yesterday and God even sent rain!
Hope your weekend was as wonderful as ours was.
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/27/2007 12:33:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Chess Pieces
Yesterday I promised a quote and a post centered around a quote from the forward of Idol Eyes. Well.....Chloe had a friend over and I just got sidetracked dancing along with them to High School Musical 2. Sorry! And NO there are no pictures.
I've posted in the past how God was moving and changing me during this waiting time. Now, it seems that He is moving women into my life who are in their own time of waiting. Women who are crazy about HIM, who long to serve Him with every ounce of their being. Real women. Wives. Mommies. Writers. Musicians. Speakers. Women who desire to be used of God but are in a season of waiting.
One thing I'm learning is that even in the waiting, God will give you opportunities to serve Him. For me it's been filling in on the keyboard or in smaller churches. And He has allowed me to sing or play in our service occasionally. (That still blows my mind.) I've written a little, but honestly the last 2 months I've had serious writers block. Every time I sit down at the piano to write, I feel like I play the same 3 chords! It all sounds the same to me right now! (I'm praying about that one and waiting for God to give a new song. He will, I can't write a note without Him and He's just reminding me of that.) Okay, off the rabbit trail and back to the quote....
Beth Moore wrote the forward to Idol Eyes. When describing the first time she met Mandisa she writes: "Travis had let me know we had a sub on the worship team. One of our regulars had not been able to make it. The thought that Mandisa came to us as a sub still amuses me. It just goes to show, God doesn't call subs. There are no accidents in His work. There is no coincidence in who backs out and who steps up. He moves His chess pieces around the board at will, and that weekend, we got the queen."
God doesn't call subs. How that line spoke to me. I hope it encourages those of you who are waiting. Stay in HIS word, talk to Him about your dreams and desires. HE called you HE placed that desire in your heart! There are no accidents. Be ready girls! You never know when HE will pick up your game piece and set you in a new place! Be ready to step up at a moments notice!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/25/2007 02:04:00 PM 8 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
New Blog Sisters
Happy Friday!!!!
This morning I want to introduce you to a couple of new bloggers. I know both of these ladies in real life and consider them sisters in the Lord.
The first is Carol at Sheep to the Right. She is a new friend here in Dacula. We are in the same Sunday School class and sing in the choir together. Carol is a gifted writer waiting to see what God has planned for her. She just started blogging this week, so jump over there and give her some bloggity love!
The second is Kara at Mommy dot com. Kara is the very good friend of my dear friend Angela at Refresh My Soul. Kara is the mommy to 6, yes you read SIX children. She has a very POWERFUL testimony. Her writing and speaking just draws you to the feet of Jesus. Go check her out, I think you'll be encouraged. (By the way, when the group she speaks with comes to Atlanta, I'll be in the first row cheering her on! Want to joint me?)
I just finished reading Mandisa's book "Idol Eyes". BUY THIS BOOK! It was awesome. Beth Moore wrote the forward and there is one quote in there that I'm plan to share a little later today. We've got to get done with a little school before I can get all serious!
Have a great Friday!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/24/2007 08:22:00 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
It's so easy to say I believe God. I've been guilty of throwing it out there when truth be told, I didn't whole heartily believe Him.
Lately though, I don't say it unless I really mean it. Lately life has felt like Mr. Toad's wild ride instead of an easy Sunday afternoon drive. (As I stated in an earlier post, I wouldn't trade this time for anything, I'm just stating my feelings right now.) Believing God during the wild ride isn't always as easy as the Sunday afternoon drive.
This morning, I was reading in Mark 6. Jesus is in Nazareth His hometown. These people know His family, His siblings, His parents. They know His history. Yet, they couldn't believe the wisdom, the power He possessed. After all, He was just a carpenter! The son of Mary! They were offended by Him. As a result, verse 5 says their unbelief hindered His ability to perform any miracles. He was only able to heal a few sick(as if that isn't incredible!) and it goes on to say that JESUS was amazed at their unbelief.
I bet over the last few months, Jesus has shook His holy head and said to God, "Can you believe this girl? After all we've done for her, she still doesn't believe!" I haven't always believed. I feel at times I sound like the father in Mark 9:24 "help my unbelief!" I see this huge mountain in front of us and I cry out to God to move it, to take it down! But there is a part of me that doubts that God is going to do that for me. This morning, as I journaled and prayed, I felt the Lord remind me that before He moves it, I have to learn a few more things. I prayed again, help my unbelief, asking if this was what was hindering the movement of the mountain. I didn't get an answer to that. But I did feel impressed to go to the Faith Hall of Fame in Hebrews. (Chapter 11)
This time, in place of reading "By faith Abraham...." I read "I believe Abraham...." I did it for the whole chapter and let me tell you, it was powerful. I have no problem believing the Word. I believe every word in it! My struggle has been believing that God will move in my life the way He did in the "hall of famers" lives.
Then I went to Psalm 37. Two verses hit me between the eyes.
Verse 23 - The steps of the godly are direct by the Lord; HE delights in every detail of their lives.
Thank you Lord for caring about the details of my life! I see you in them, forgive my unbelief!
Verse 34A - Don't be impatient for the Lord to act. Travel steadily
along HIS path.
Forgive me Lord for putting an earthly timetable on You! You have thought out every minute of my life. You know exactly what You are doing. You are God and I am not. Please help me to remember that! I believe that one day I will look back on 2007 and shout look what God has done! Until that day, help me to believe you.
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/22/2007 01:48:00 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Is denim of the devil?
Others will not want to know about your Jesus until they see the reality of your Jesus in your life.
I came across this quote today. It knocked me down. We had a pretty lively Sunday School class yesterday and God so timed it that I had to leave for choir before I could comment. (He knew I couldn't sit there much longer!) We "Christians" can be so mean to each other. We get so caught up in looking the part on Sunday that we often forget that Jesus didn't die for us to follow a dress code on Sunday morning. He died to restore a broken relationship!
Chad and I discussed this most of the afternoon. How in the world do we expect the world to want to know Jesus and become our "brother" or "sister" in Christ when we treat each other like red headed step children? I've said this before and I'll say it again. Tradition does not equal holiness. Personal taste does not equal holiness.
If Jesus is truly the reality in my life, I won't care if someone walks into church on Sunday morning in a pair of jeans. I won't see the jeans, I'll see a person who just like me, came to encounter Jesus. By the way, what if that is all that person has? How welcome do you think they would feel if we turned up our noses and looked away?
Life is hard enough, we don't need to allow satan to use another person's wardrobe to distract us!
***PLEASE UNDERSTAND that I am in no way promoting immodest or vulgar clothing. I believe God gives guidelines on how Christian women should dress. However, I do not believe God cares if I come to church on Sunday morning in a pair of jeans. I will not allow denim to keep me from worshipping God! ***
Okay, I feel better now. :) Just keeping it real here!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/20/2007 04:57:00 PM 8 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I'd Like to Thank....
Diann. I haven't had much time in the last few days to blog. So when I clicked over to Diann's I was just taken away by this! So THANK YOU!
I pass this award on to...... My sister-in-love Lindsay at TwinsX2. She's always rocking something, or someone. :) So check her out and give her some encouragement.
We had a wonderful time this weekend. Part of our family was here to celebrate Chloe's birthday. I'll let the pictures speak!
The big guy in these pictures is my little brother. He had more fun than the girls! And yes, they were flying higher than the 6 foot fence around the pool! It was crazy!
This is my mamaw. She'll be 90 on Friday!
Chloe with papaw. Good friends and adopted family R. and P. in the background.
Who is this and how did he get in?(heehee) This was the ONLY picture of Chad taken today and it appears that someone under 4 feet tall was taking it. NO it wasn't me! I'm proud of my 5 foot 1 inch!!! When going through my photos, I discovered I have NONE of my parents with the birthday girl! I can see that I'm going to have to start making a list of pictures we need to take! What's one more list?!
We love having a house full of family and friends here. This weekend made me look forward to October when the next group comes! Thanks to those of you who made the effort to be here for Chloe this weekend. We love you!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/18/2007 03:44:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
My Heart's Thoughts for Today
As I sit down to write this morning, I'm about to pop out of my skin! I have been pouring out my heart to God about a particular circumstance for quite some time. He has responded and given me scripture to encourage me, and also used people to encourage me. But this week, He has just shown up big time. It seems that each devotion, each passage of scripture I read, conversations I have are all pointing in one direction. God is speaking loudly this week.
This morning in particular I sat on the couch with my mouth on the floor, amazed at the timing of one particular thing. Just amazed. Which shows me how much more I need to grown up in my faith. God tells us that when we seek Him with our whole heart we will find Him! Well beloved, He is showing off for me and I LOVE it!
This year has been so hard. Emotionally, financially, spiritually. Every area of our life has been and is still being tested. God has taken me back several years and is forcing me to rely on Him for every need. I am literally praying "give us this day our daily bread." And you know what? He is. He is providing every need. Emotionally, financially and spiritually. He is showing us that He is in the finest detail of every day. He cares about the smallest thing as well as the mountain I'm believing He will move! He is faithful, when I'm not. He is God in the good times and bad. I can't begin to understand why He allowed the events of this year to happen. But today I can honestly say that I don't need to understand. I trust Him. I believe God. He said He would never leave us or forsake us. He said He would provide for all our needs, and He has. He says that He will be with us at all times and He has been. I have been so aware of His presence that it gives me chills at times. I wouldn't trade the last few months for anything because God has showed up and showed off for us so much. He has revealed a little more of Himself to us and I don't want to go back! I hope that makes sense. :)
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/17/2007 11:16:00 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Out of the Mouth
Do you ever find yourself reading a passage of scripture you've read numerous times and suddenly it comes alive? That's what happened to me yesterday and today. I was reading Matthew 15:1-20 yesterday during my study time when God started to speak to my heart. This morning, I was drawn back to that passage, except I read it in my NIV. It just jumped off of the page and was alive to me.
Starting in verse 16 Jesus is explaining the parable to the disciples. ( I cracked up in verse 16 where Jesus says "Are you still so dull?!!" Wouldn't you love to have seen His face when He said that?) Pretty much Jesus is saying to them, whatever comes out of your mouth,is an indication of what is in your heart. So, whatever we put in will come out. The things we listen to, read, glance at, all go to the heart and will eventually come out. It's why we are so picky about the things we allow our girls to listen to, watch and read. We get one shot at raising up a child in the way they should go, I don't want to knowingly do anything that would cause them to stumble later!
For sometime now, I've been watching a few women. Women who are older than me physically and spiritually. My heart is burdened for women to experience God in everyday life and so I have been quietly listening and watching these women to see how they react to life.
One is my age and lost her husband last fall in an accident. We sing in choir together but I do not have a close relationship with her. However, I watch her each week give a sacrifice of praise. She chooses to worship God even though the world would say to turn and run. She rejoices that her husband is with Jesus and that one day she will be too. Her heart is full of hope, trust and faith in our Lord. HE radiates off of her face, it's contagious! Out of her mouth comes praise, love, hope!
Another is also a widow, a little older. She isn't too sure about change of any kind. Her face is harsh, cold, unwelcoming. The few times I've had conversation with her, I leave exhausted! She worries about everything. Her heart is filled with worry, fear and it is contagious. Out of her mouth comes criticism, insults and fear.
Then I'm faced with a lady who has been divorced a few times. She is now in her longest marriage thus far, but truth be told she's not happy. The children are grown and married, she has her job and her spouse. There isn't much for her to say to anyone. She doesn't understand happiness and it would seem to an onlooker that she likes for trouble to visit others. It gives her someone else to compare herself too. Her heart is filled with hurt, bitterness, and unforgiveness. It is contagious. Out of her mouth comes bitterness, harsh accusing words, fear and worry.
All three women are Christians. Only one is living dependant on Jesus. Only one has godly things coming out of her mouth. Life is hard, each one of these women have been hurt and experienced great loss. Much like each of us. But only one is walking so close to the Lord that she is radiating HIM! Her mouth pours out LIFE to all who are around her! The other two, well it isn't life that is poured out! When I leave their presence, I'm exhausted and you know what else? I find myself being negative.
When I read from Matthew this morning, I thought of these women. Then I thought of my own heart. What is it filled with? What would others say it was filled with? I want to sit so close to the feet of Jesus that He radiates off of my face. Ladies, we have to fill up on the Lord every day in order for His character to become our character.
Proverbs 15:4 says "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." If we want to use healing words, then we better be going to the Word and filling up on that.
The older we get, the more our real self comes out. Examine yourself today and ask God to show you what your heart is filled with.
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/15/2007 06:47:00 AM 5 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Weekend in Pictures
We had a wonderful weekend. It was a whirlwind of activity, and this morning we are exhausted, BUT it was all worth it. A beautiful wedding is one of those things I love and usually cry through. This weekend proved it.
I'm going to share some of my favorite pictures with you.
This is Chloe and Emma at the bridesmaids luncheon on Friday. The Inn we were at is the Inn Chad and I stayed in on our wedding night. You can't see it from this picture, but over Emma's shoulders is the TN River. It was so beautiful to eat overlooking the water. That's one thing we miss here in GA!
Emily is the only granddaughter on one side of her family. This is her Aunt, our hostess, passing on Emily's Grandmother's tea set. This was a very emotional time as this Grandmother is with Jesus now. The set is stunning and still has the price tags on the bottom of each piece.
Emma and the Bride at the Rehearsal Dinner. This took place at the Hunter Art Museum. Also overlooking the river. Emma was a little disappointed that we didn't get to go through the museum. She is my artist and loves this museum. Fortunately, there are plenty of sculptures outside for her to enjoy! We had to stop to read about each one on the way to the car. Hmmmmm, maybe we will count that as some school time!
Chad, the girls with his Grandmother. She looked stunning. She was so excited about wearing this dress! She kept asking me if I thought it was too long. I told her no, it was the perfect length for an after 5 wedding. Her eyes got real wide and she lit up and said, "You know, that is exactly what the lady who altered this dress told me!" It was so cute. I wish you could have seen her glide out of her house, she was dressed to the nines and felt good about herself, it was priceless.
This is the ONLY picture I got of the bride and groom! Can you believe that?!!! Who was this day about???? Anyway, hopefully my mother-in-law got some I can bum!
Emma taking pictures at the reception.
Emma taking a picture of Nana, Nana taking a picture of Emma!
One tired and hungry little flower girl. The bride is a dietitian and she made sure there was plenty of fruit and veggies at this wedding! Emma was in heaven! Her plate had cantaloupe, strawberries, veggies and a roll. (No meat, well, she had a couple of Chad's shrimp!)
Chad's cousin Wendy. She cracks me up. We haven't seen her in a while so it was good to visit with her. Chad, ever the prankster played a great little joke on her. It was pretty funny. Knowing her, she'll get him back the next time she sees him. (And yes, he deserves whatever he gets!)
Skipping to the car in downtown Chattanooga. It is so beautiful. (Side note for Chad. Did you know that Jim Brickman will be at the Tivoli on Dec. 12? And did you notice that there was a Starbucks in the lobby of the Read House? You know, a great birthday present might be concert tickets, a night at the Read house and coffee at Starbucks. Just a thought. Just trying to be a helpmate!)
We could not resist taking a picture in this storefront.
This couple was just precious. It was very emotional for me for some reason. I watched Emily in the dressing room and was taken back 13 years to my own wedding. I remember standing in my gown waiting to be taken upstairs, when the door cracked and Emily and her mom came in to say hi. Emily was keeping our guest book and was around 11 or 12 years old. Saturday, I stood in the door and watched this young woman in her gown preparing to become one with the man of her dreams. It was too much! How time flies. I looked at my girls and said a prayer for the men they will marry one day. Emily and Jeffrey have been given godly examples of marriage. That was evident as Jeffrey's father read scripture and prayed over them at the beginning of the ceremony. I believe God has great plans for this couple. They are passionate about each other but more importantly, passionate about Jesus.
The legacy theme keeps resounding in my heart and mind. Every decision we make affects future generations. What am I leaving my daughters, grandchildren? May we have marriages that point to Christ in the good and the bad.
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/13/2007 08:47:00 AM 6 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Happy Birthday Chloe!!!
Chloe in New Mexico May 2007.
Dear Chloe,
Today is your 9th birthday. Or as you have been telling me, the day you begin your 10th year of life. You took hold of our hearts long before we held you, but once those doctors and nurses handed you to Daddy, we were overwhelmed at how much we loved you. It was more than we could have imagined. You are a gift from God to us and I'm so honored that He picked Daddy and I to be your parents.
Our first prayer for you was that you would have a heart that loved Jesus and that you would accept His gift of salvation at a young age. God answered that prayer. I'm amazed by the way you love HIM. You are a student of His word and you show Him to your friends and family everyday.
I pray that as you continue to grow up you will remember that God's ways are best! Not always the easiest, but His way is the best. Following hard after God is the only way to live a happy life.
Right now in your life you love Webkinz and use most of your daily media time taking care of them on-line! You and Emma are doing great with your karate. I never thought my dainty little girls would be such excellent karate kids! I'm very proud of both of you for doing this. 4th grade is going to be great and I can tell you are looking forward to getting started and back into the routine of school. You love to learn and to read. One of my favorite things to talk with you about is the book your reading. You get so excited about the characters and the story. I really liked watching the movie The Adventures of Ociee Nash with you Monday. You had just finished the book and were very quick to explain to me the differences in the book and movie as we watched. You love acting and learning about the art of movie making. I'm even thinking about giving you an "assignment" to make a movie. When we watch a movie like Narnia, Ociee Nash, H.S. Musical... you want to know all the behind the scenes details. Maybe you will be a director when you grow up! Whatever you do, I pray that you will do it for God. Give Him the glory for anything and everything you do!
Today we will go to lunch, attend karate this afternoon and then hang out with friends at community movie night at church. Sounds like a pretty good day doesn't it!
Happy Birthday Miss P. we love you !!!!!!
Chloe, friend E. and friend M.
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/09/2007 08:29:00 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
M & M & M & M (I'm getting hungry!)
These are the birthday girls! (And their mommy and daddy) All of their first names AND their last name start with M. Thus the title of this blog. They turned 1 on Thursday. We head up this evening to party with them! We have heard rumor that one is walking and the other is doing her best to keep up. I can't wait to get some kisses!
Doesn't seem like a year ago we welcomed these two into our family. God answered our prayers, they were healthy beautiful babies. They continue to grow and are interested in everything, especially Gram's pots and pans. It's funny to watch my mom "baby-proof" her house. (They hang out with Gram's while Mommy is at work.) Bless their hearts, their Daddy is a GA fan, we'll let that slide, they do look cute in their red and black! I may try to sneak an orange bow in this football season. Which by the way, is just around the corner!!!!
M & M, we are so thankful that God picked you to be part of our family. We love you and pray every day that you will have a heart that loves God. HE loves you so much and has great plans for your life.
See you Saturday!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/03/2007 07:49:00 AM 5 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thankful Thursday
I've been reading Thankful Thursday posts on other blogs and decided that it was time for me to start. It originated at Sting My Heart.
This week I am thankful:
*for my husband and children and all our family. They are so precious to me.
*my nieces M & M who turn 1 today. They are just turning into movers and shakers. They make us laugh and we love every minute we get with them.
*our home. God led us to this neighborhood and we have now been here 1 year.
*our church and the new friends he has given us there.
*Chad's job. Praise the Lord that he is doing what he loves and getting paid for it!
*that my Father's mercies are new every morning.
*that God isn't done with me yet. Even when I act like a spoiled brat! (see post right before this if you don't know what I'm talking about!)
*that we will get to spend time with all of our family over the next 6 weeks.
*that God is in control and is still in the mountain moving business.
This list could go on for pages. But for today, this is what I'm most thankful for. I would love to see your list if you have one!
See you Friday!
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/02/2007 02:13:00 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
School, Vacation, Christmas Shopping, Wardrobe
These are all things that were going through my mind between 11:00 pm and 2:30 am last night/this morning.
We homeschool our girls and while we have done a little school each day, we add the full load on August 13. So I'm running through my mind what I need to buy to finish off the curriculum. That leads to how do I tell Chad I need so much $$$$$, he doesn't need that stress right now! So, I prayed about that. God provide the money we need to buy school supplies. He will I'm not worried.
This time next month we will be on a mini-vacation with my Sister-in-Love, her husband and their 2 sets of twins. (yes you read that right) We are all going to Florida to visit my in-laws. We're praying that the pool is in and ready for 6 grand kids to break it in! This will be the first time that we all have been at the in-laws new home and I'm really looking forward to it. The beach is calling my name! Chad needs the distraction and break from the office. Building a business is hard the first year. God is blessing his work ethic, this get-away will be a nice distraction!
Christmas is coming. Fast! We've decided to do a little shopping each month so it doesn't overwhelm us in December. So, I made my mental list and prayed about what we should give each person. Yes, I pray about this stuff. The whole season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We love to give gifts in honor of Jesus, so I pray that God will show me what to give each person. It has to be something that is from the heart and that will encourage. BTW- Check Diann's store. I found her last night as I was going through the blogroll. Her blog is over in my Good Stuff links. She has the cutest note cards, t-shirts...... all really Girly Girl stuff! I fell in love with them. Then I clicked over to the retailers list and guess what! Her line is sold at the coffee/gift shop around the corner from my house! How cool is that. (As soon as they re-open, they moved the shop, I'll be there picking up the cards with the coffee cups!)
Wardrobe. I've got several events coming up that I need to dress for. (These events demand that I wear more than my around the house jeans or sweat, I mean yoga pants and white or black t-shirt.) So the first is this Sunday. I'm playing a piano special in the morning worship services. (First of all I have been blessed with some great clothes and I have plenty to wear. I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to wear and this is the thought process that I went through.) Okay.
For Sunday, my first thought was navy pantsuit. Love this suite, very tailored, but then the shoe issue comes up. I still haven't bought a pair of navy heels to wear with this suite. I have a pair of shoes that I normally wear with this suite, but they aren't my favorite with this suite. See my dilemma? If I'm in the choir loft no-one sees my shoes and I'm fine, but there is no hiding them when I play. So it looks like the navy suite is out of the running. My next choice was white linen pants green tunic top. Really cute pointy shoes I got at Steinmart for $7.99 last year. I love this outfit, but not sure how it would look from the side. This is very important girls!! People look at you from the side when you play. I don't want to look frumpy! I'm being vain I know, but I've got to feel good about how I look or my stage fright issues become bigger than they already are and I find myself in the bathroom, on my knees getting rid of anything I've eaten in the last 3 days. It's not fun. To top off the people looking at me from the side thing, our church now does live on-line streaming of our worship services. AS IF 8,000 people are intimidating enough, now we throw in the entire free world! No pressure.
As I think about all this, I ask God why. WHY is this an issue for me? Haven't I out-grown these issues. This is so petty. Then I got tickled and started to laugh out-loud.
I tell people all the time, when you are leading worship, or speaking, or singing in the choir, you are representing God. You are showing Jesus to them. Through your face, your body language.... We should be clothed in a garment of praise. My heart's desire more than anything in this world is to point people to Jesus. Whether I'm singing, playing, buying groceries, or having a cup of coffee with a girlfriend. I want to ooze Jesus! This has been my prayer for a long time. So why in the world am I wide awake at 2:00 in the morning, worrying about what I'm going to look like in a particular outfit! THIS IS CRAZY! I don't normally think like this! Where is this coming from?
I think this was His way of reminding me that I will never stop learning. I will never reach some point of spiritual elitism. And for the record, I don't want to! That would mean that I have put myself on the same level as God. That just isn't possible! If you know me personally, you will agree !!!! :)
The first song I wrote was for a Women's Tea. The theme was Refiner's Fire. The name of the song I wrote was "More Like You" One line in the song is "Whatever it takes, make me more like You." Those lyrics came to mind as I asked the Father to forgive me for being self-centered. I want to bring glory to HIM on Sunday morning. When I sit down to play, I want people to feel His presence as HE plays through me. What am I playing? This is the best part. God impressed upon my heart to put together an arrangement of "I'd Rather Have Jesus" and "Better is One Day".
The line I love from "Better is One Day" comes from the second verse:
"One thing I ask and I would seek, to see Your beauty, to find You in the place Your glory dwells".
I love that and then there's the bridge:
"My heart and flesh cry out for You, the Living God.
Your Spirit's water for my soul.
I've tasted and I've seen; come once again to me.
I will draw near to You, I will draw near to You."
Isn't God cool. When I sit on that bench Sunday, I'll be playing from a heart that is desperate for more of HIM. I want HIM more than anything. He's so much more than we can fathom isn't He? I thank Him that He loves me through these moments. I love how He uses them to show me more of His character. He is so good.
Posted by ocean mommy at 8/01/2007 10:18:00 AM 8 comments